
Veterinary Nurse

Viv - Veterinary Nurse
Viv RVN Veterinary Nurse

Viv is a registered Veterinary Nurse. She currently shares the management of the branch clinic with Anne. Viv has been part of the Park Vet’s team since 1988 although she has had a little time out to have 3 children. She is not a home- grown Park Veterinary Nurse- as Viv trained in Yorkshire and attended college in Staffordshire. Viv enjoys running nurse clinics for micro-chipping, worming advice etc and helping run the Puppy Playgroup.

She is especially interested in nutrition having studied a diploma in this area and is able to give advice and support. In her free time she enjoys pilates, learning French and is passionate about her garden. She has also completed an IT course where she learnt about a different type of mouse!